
Pendidikan Jerman

Pada bagian ini akan diberikan gambaran singkat tentang sistem pendidikan di Jerman serta perbedaan-perbedaannya dibandingkan dengan sistem pendidikan di Indonesia, baik pada level pendidikan dasar maupun pendidikan tinggi.

Pendidikan Pra Perguruan Tinggi

Berbeda dengan di Indonesia yang menganut sistem pendidikan tiga jenjang SD-SLTP-SLTA, Jerman hanya memiliki dua jenjang pendidikan Pra Perguruan Tinggi, yaitu pendidikan dasar (Grundschule) dan pendidikan lanjutan (Gymnasium, Realschule atau Berufschule).

Jenjang Pendidikan Pra Perguruan Tinggi di Jerman memerlukan waktu tempuh normal selama 13 tahun (berbeda dengan di Indonesia, dimana pendidikan SD-SLTP-SLTA bisa diselesaikan hanya dalam waktu 12 tahun). Pendidikan sekolah dasar (Grundschule) diberikan dari kelas 1 - 6, dan setelah itu siswa diberikan kesempatan untuk memilih melanjutkan ke Gymnasium, Realschule atau Berufschule.

Gymnasium diperuntukkan bagi siswa-siswa pandai yang dianggap mampu melanjutkan pendidikan sampai jenjang perguruan tinggi. Jenjang ini ditempuh mulai dari kelas 7 – 13, dan setelah lulus mereka diberi ijazah yang dikenal sebagai „Abitur“. Jadi sebelum masuk ke perguruan tinggi, seorang siswa menyelesaikan pendidikan dasar dan menengah selama 13 tahun. Berufschule diperuntukkan bagi siswa-siswa yang langsung dipersiapkan memasuki dunia kerja dan tidak bisa melanjutkan ke perguruan tinggi. Sedangkan Realschule ada di tengah-tengah keduanya. Kalau dianggap bagus, siswa dari Realschule bisa meneruskan ke Gymnasium untuk mendapatkan Abitur, atau bisa juga langsung memasuki dunia kerja

Pendidikan Tinggi

Setelah mendapatkan Abitur, siswa langsung bisa mendaftarkan diri ke Perguruan Tinggi. Berbeda dengan calon mahasiswa di Indonesia yang harus mengikuti ujian tertulis (UMPTN), disini calon siswa sama sekali tidak perlu mengikuti ujian seleksi. Calon mahasiswa tinggal mengirimkan berkas lamarannya, dan universitas akan langsung memutuskan berdasarkan nilai Abitur. Hal tersebut bisa dilakukan karena pendidikan di seluruh Jerman, baik pendidikan dasar maupun pendidikan tinggi, memiliki kualitas yang bisa dikatakan sama.

Untuk menjamin kualitas yang merata di semua sekolah, setiap anak wajib masuk ke sekolah terdekat yang telah ditunjuk oleh pemerintah (Bila memilih untuk belajar di sekolah selain yang telah ditunjuk, maka orang tuanya harus mengajukan permintaan khusus disertai dengan alasan-alasannya). Sebaliknya, pemerintah pun menyediakan guru-guru dan fasilitas pendidikan yang merata di semua sekolah, baik di kota besar maupun di pelosok yang jauh dari kota.

Universitas dan Fachhochschule

Ada dua jenis pendidikan tinggi di Jerman, yaitu Universität (universit, selanjutnya disingkat UNI) dan Fachhochschule (applied university, selanjutnya disingkat FH).

Perbedaan antara UNI dan FH diantaranya bisa disebutkan sebagai berikut:

1) Materi perkuliahan.UNI lebih menekankan ke teori dan kepadanya diberikan tanggung jawab dalam mengembangkan ilmu pengetahuan. Komposisi antara teori dan praktek di UNI berkisar 60:40. Sebaliknya, FH (sesuai dengan namanya) lebih menitik beratkan ke aspek terapan, dengan komposisi teori dan terapan 40:60.

2) Jadwal perkuliahan. Jadwal perkuliahan di UNI adalah Okt-Maret untuk musim dingin (Winter Semester) dan April-September untuk musim panas (Sommer Semester). Sebaliknya untuk FH perkuliahan dimulai lebih dini, yaitu Agustus-Januari untuk musim dingin (WS) dan Februari-Juli untuk musim panas (SS).

3) Waktu melamar. Karena perbedaan waktu kuliah sebagaimana disebutkan pada 2), maka jadwal untuk proses seleksi pun juga berbeda. Pendaftaran di FH ditutup lebih cepat dibandingkan dengan di UNI.

Program-program Pendidikan yang ditawarkan

a) Program klasik

Berbeda dengan di Indonesia dan sistem 3 jejang (Sarjana-Magister-Doktor), sampai saat ini Jerman masih menganut pendidikan tinggi dengan dua jenjang, yaitu Diplom (Dipl.) dan Doktor (Dr).

Dalam jenjang Diplom ini, pada tahun-tahun pertama mahasiswa diwajibkan mengikuti serangkaian mata kuliah dasar (dikenal dengan nama Grundstudium). Setelah menyelesaikan semua mata kuliah di Grundstudium mahasiswa diberi sertifikat Vordiplom, akan tetapi sertifikat ini bukanlah gelar kesarjanaan. Untuk menyelesaikan Vordiplom, mahasiswa memerlukan waktu sekitar 2,5 tahun. Setelah mendapatkan Vordiplom, barulah mahasiswa diijinkan mengambil mata kuliah keahlian pada level yang lebih tinggi (dikenal dengan Hauptstudium). Setelah menyelesaikan semua mata kuliah Hauptstudium, barulah mahasiswa diijinkan menulis tugas akhir (dikenal dengan nama Diplomarbeit) sebagai syarat kelulusan Diplom. Jadi, Diplom adalah gelar resmi pertama yang diperoleh setelah seseorang menyelesaikan studinya di UNI atau FH.

Antara Diplom UNI dan Diplom FH memiliki perbedaan-perbedaan, diantaranya:

1) Diplom FH bisa diselesaikan dalam waktu 4,5 tahun sedangkan Diplom UNI baru bisa diselesaikan dalam waktu 5 tahun.

2) Diplom FH memiliki muatan terapan yang lebih besar (60% perkuliahan) dibandingkan dengan Diplom UNI (40% perkuliahan).

3) Diplom FH tidak dirancang untuk melanjutkan ke jengang Doktor. Apabila pemegang Diplom UNI ingin melanjutkan ke program Doktor, maka yang bersangkutan harus mengikuti proses persamaan terlebih dahulu. Dalam fase ini, kepadanya diwajibkan mengikuti serangkaian mata kuliah pada level Hauptstudium. Bisa juga ia mengikuti program Master terlebih dahulu sebelum melanjutkan ke program Doktor. Sebaliknya, pemilik gelar Diplom UNI bisa langsung melanjutkan studi ke jenjang Doktor.

b) Program Baru

Berdasarkan Kesepakatan Bologna tahun 1999, semua negara EU bersepakat untuk menyesuakan sistem pendidikan antara satu negara dengan negara lainnya di kawasan EU. Hal ini perlu dilakukan karena Kesepakatan Maastricht tahun 1992 menjamin bahwa semua negara EU harus mengakui kesamaan gelar dan keprofesian yang diberikan oleh Universitas maupun lembaga profesi di negara-negara EU lainnya.

Dari Kesepakatan Bologna 1999 tersebut, salah satu isinya adalah semua negara EU akan mengkonversi sistem pendidikan tingginya menjadi tiga jenjang Bachelor-Master-Doktor. Disepakati pula bahwa Bachelor (dengan waktu tempuh 3-4 tahun) adalah gelar kesatjanaan pertama yang diberikan oleh Universitas, dimana pemilik gelar tersebut diyakini telah siap memasuki dunia kerja. Program pendidikan Master adalah pendidikan lanjutan setelah bachelor dan diberikan selama 2 tahun.

Berdasarkan kesepakatan Bologna 1999 tersebut, UNI dan FH di Jerman telah mulai mengkonversi sistem lamanya Diplom-Doktor ke sistem baru Bachelor-Master-Doktor. Oleh karenanya, tidak mengherankan jika saat ini telah ada jengang Bachelor-Master di ahmpir semua UNI dan FH. Paling lambat tahun 2010 semua UNI dan FH di Jerman harus sudah mengadopsi sistem Bachelor-Master-Doktor seratus persen. Di Feie Universität Berlin dan Humboldt Universität zu Berlin bahkan sistem ini sudah akan diadopsi penuh paling lambat tahun 2007.

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Singapore S1

Singapore: Micron Scholarship Program for Undergraduate

Opportunities to Build Your Future - Scholarships in Singapore

Information About the Scholarship - Are you ready for the working world? Do you fit this description?
Why wait till you graduate, when you can start planning now to work for a world-class technology leader? Gain valuable industry experience through our highly sought after Industrial Attachment/Internship programs, while being mentored by some of the finest engineers in the industry. After graduation, continue to rise to even higher levels of accomplishment as part of our Micron team. Through quality training and an open attitude to new ideas, we will nurture your growth in becoming a successful professional.

Are you ready to embark on this extraordinary journey? Start with the Micron Scholarship!

As a Micron scholar, you will be a leader in your own right - a well-rounded individual who is consistently among the very best in your class, and currently pursuing a fulltime engineering degree in NTU/ NUS. Non-citizens may apply, but you must be ready to work at Micron Semiconductor Asia upon graduation.

Eligibility / Criteria for Application

The Micron Scholarships are open to all nationalities and are awarded to dynamic and promising candidates to support them in their journey of academic discovery and achievement
Applicants should have an excellent academic track record
Successful applicants must not concurrently hold any other scholarships
Applicants must gain acceptance to the National University of Singapore or Nanyang Technological University
Applicants must be enrolled in Electrical / Mechanical Engineering at the National University of Singapore or Nanyang Technological University
Applicants who are currently enrolled at the National University of Singapore or Nanyang Technological University in their 2nd, 3rd and 4th year of study are welcome to apply
Award Details

The awards are tenable at the National University of Singapore or Nanyang Technological University.

Scholars are required to serve a bond period of 1 to 3 years, depending on number of years of sponsorship.

# of Sponsored Years Bond Period
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 3


Tuition and other approved fees for a fulltime Bachelor Degree in Electrical / Mechanical Engineering
Allowance of $500/month
To ensure that your application is successfully submitted, the completed form and accompanying materials must be sent by post.

Scholarship applications are accepted annually.

All 2007 applications must reach us no later than 24 August 2007.

Please send your email enquiries to: scholarship[ at ]micron.com
For More Information Click Here

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Australian Development Scholarships 2008 Aplication Form

Australian Development Scholarship (ADS) provide opportunities for Indonesians to study in Australia at POSTGRADUATE level.
Two hundred and seventy scholarship are expected to be awarded in 2008 for commencement in 2008/ 2009.
Candidates must undertake study in one of the four areas of development priority (see page ii).
ADS are offered in three categories: ‘Public’ sector, ‘Open’ and ‘Targeted applicants are employees of agencies associated with AusAID activities including government organisations, BUMNs, NGOs, CSOs and key state and private educational institutions which service the training needs of these organizations. Their nomination must be facilitated through the Project Leader or the relevant representative of an AusAID activity.

Public sector applicants are employees from Government departments, state universities and state owned enterprises this includes non-PNS employees. Their applications must be approved by the training or foreign cooperation bureaus (BKLN) of their local or central agencies before being submitted. No prior Government approval is required for those in the Open category. Public servants cannot apply in the Open category.
Scholarship are for full-time study for a Masters or Doctorate degree from Australian tertiary institutions. The scholarship provides up to nine months full-time language and academic preparation in Indonesia. Students must achieve satisfactory result in this training to be able continue their scholarship. Applications from women and candidates in provinces within the geographic focus of AusAID’s Country Strategy (see page ii) are encouraged.

be an Indonesia citizen and not have permanent residence in Australia or New Zealand;
not be married or engaged to a person who is eligible to hold Australian or New Zealand citizenship or permanent residence;
satisfy Australian Government requirements for international student entry to Australia (health, character etc);
not hold a scholarship that would give similar benefits;
not have held an Australian Government Scholarship in the 12 months preceding the application;
be applying to commence a new course of study and not be seeking support through ADS for a course already commence in Australia;
be able to take up the scholarship in the year for which it is offered; and
satisfy the admission requirements of the Australian tertiary institution in which the cours is to be undertaken.

be applying for courses that fall within the four areas of development priority (see next page);
have a Grade Point Average (GPA) of at least 2.9 (on a scale of maximum 4.0) and an English Language proficiency of at least 5.0 in IELTS (or 500 in Institutional TOEFL or 170 in International TOEFL). The IELTS or TOEFL result must be current (a test result obtained in 2006 or 2007 will be considered current;
already hold an undergraduate degree, if applying for a Masters;
already have a Masters, if applying for a Doctorate;
apply for a degree at a level higher than their current higher than their current highest qualification;
if applying for a Doctorate, applicants must be staff of universities, higher education institutions, research institutes, key policy makers and targeted candidates in other agencies associated with AusAID activities. It is highly desirable for Doctorate applicants to have a letter of support from an Australian University for their proposed field of study;
answer all relevant question on the application form;
be willing and available to take full-time (Monday-Friday, 08.00-16.00) English for Academic Purposed (EAP) training in Indonesia prior to studying in Australia, if offered a scholarship;
be not older than 42 years old at time of application.



Areas of Development Priorities
Economic Management
Improving economic management through support for critical measures for accelerated structural reform, including assistance for revenue enhancement, financial sector restructuring and supervision, and debt management.

Democratic Institutions and Practice
Strengthening the institutions and practices of democracy through assistance for legal and judicial reform, the institutions of human rights and public accountability, electoral and parliamentary processes and institutions and civil society.

Basic Social Services
Increasing the accessibility and quality of basic social services through policy engagement at the national level and support for community based approaches.

Security and Stability
Enhancing security and stability through support for law enforcement and counter-terrorism capacity building, conflict and disaster prevention and humanitarian assistance for vulnerable groups.

Examples of Fields of Study:
Agribusiness; agriculture; aquaculture and fisheries; audit; civil society; computer science and information technology; conflict resolution; decentralization; development studies; economics and economic management; education and training; education management and leadership; engineering; environmental resource management; financial system; gender equity; governance; health management; health service; human resource development; human resource management; human right; industrial development; industrial relations; international relations; international studies; international trade; labour policy; law, legal and judicial system; media studies; peace studies; political science and government; public administration; public sector reform; regional and community planning and development; science; tax reform; teacher training; trade and development; water quality management; women in development.
Candidates considering study for particular professions should note that ADS does not include the practical training period required for professional registration, e.g. medical internship; legal articles etc. Successful awardees are expected to complete such training in their own country.


All applicants are considered by an independent Joint Selection Committee comprised of Australian and Indonesian academics. Only those shortlisted will be interviewed. The interview will assess candidates academic ability, clarity of study goals, cultural adaptability. A critical consideration will be how well the ADS applicant is able to explain the relevance of their proposed study area to the development of Indonesia. The interview will be accompanied by an IELTS test of English language proficiency.
Final selection is objective and based on the principles of merit and equity.

2/3 of awards will be offered in the “Public Sector” category;
1/3 of awards will be offered in the “Open Sector” category;
Up to 50% of Masters scholarship will be awarded to nominated candidates from Targeted agencies involved with AusAID projects or AusAID related activities, including state universities and other key education institutions in AusAID focus areas , plus linked NGOs and CSOs;
An equal number of awards will be offered to men and women;
At least 30 percent of all scholarship will be awarded in line with geographic focus of the Country Program Strategy. The geographic focus will be on East Java, South Sulawesi, Southeast Sulawesi, East Nusa Tenggara, West Nusa Tenggara, Papua, Maluku, North Maluku and Aceh;
90 percent of awards at Masters level (234) and 10 percent at Doctorate level (27).


All applicants will be advised whether or not they have been shortlisted for an interview. All interviewed applicants will be notified whether or not they have been awarded an ADS. The agencies of Public sector nominees will also be notified. The result is final and no correspondence will be entered into. Where appropriate, notification will include details of pre-departure training (English, academic skills, cultural preparation). This training in compulsory and full-time.

Note: The pre-selection results will be notified by late December 2007.
The selection (interview) result will be notified by early march 2008.
Please contact ADS office if you have not received notification by those dates.


Prior to traveling to australia, scholarship recipients must:
Meet the minimum English langguage requirment of their chosen Australian univercity (usually HELTS of 6.5 with no band lees than 6.0);
At the completion of EAP training, candidates must achieve a minimum score of HELTS 6.0 for ADS office to commence the aplication process for placement in a univercity program in australia;
Receive a letter of accepteance from an australian univercity;
Meet Australian imigration requirements for a student visa;
Receive Government of Indonesian endorsement; and
Not be pregnant when travelling to Australia to begin study.

In Australia, scholarship recipients must:
Abide by the conditions of the scholarship end the rules of Australian tertiary institutions;
Abide by the rules and regulations governing a student visa;
Act in way that will not bring disrepute to AusAID, or to any Australian institution or to Indonesia;and
Return home at the end of the award periode.

Fees- payment of academic fees and any other fees conpulsory for international students;
Editorial/ tutorial assistance- povided where it is deemed essential to assist awardees to pass course subjects;
Fares- payment of one return economy airfare from the principal international airports in Indonesia (Jakarta or Denpasar) to the major airport nearest the Australian univercity, and a family reunion airfare at the completion of cach succesful year of study, exept the final year. (only available to students whose immediate family (spouse or dependent child) do not accompany them.);
Orerseas fildwork – holders of scholarship where rescarch comprises at least 50 percent of the program may receive a return airfare to Indonesia to undertake essential fieldwork;
Establisbment allowance – a once only payment at the commencement of the scholarship in Australia;
Living allowance- payment of contribution to living allowance to cover living cost in Australia;
Healt cover- for awardees only; and
Provition of an AusAID Student visa

Awardees can bring theire immediet Families ( Spouse and children ) to Australia, at Their own cost, if their family meet AusAID and imigration requirements family are normally permitted to join 8 weeks after the awardees arrival.

The aplication form must be completed in English.All required documents must be provide. (see page 13) All relevant sections of the form must be completed before applaying all publik sector applicants are required to have section 14a of the form completed by the relevan training or foreign cooperation bureau or their univercity rector ( whichever is applicable).
Applicants in the open category are not reqired to fill in section 14. their aplication s are tobe submitted directly to the ADS office at the address bellow.
Applicants Must not fill in section 14c. this section is for state secretariat use and refers only to selected candidates.

Aplications must be received by the closing date of 7 september 2007 at:

Gedung Wirausaha, 2nd floor
Jl.H.R.Rasunasaaid Kav. C-5
Kuningan, Jakarta 12940

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Kehidupan Mahasiswa Indonesia Di Libya

Sebuah e-mail dari Libya yang dipost dari Gardu Hamzah:
Untuk masalah informasi tentang Kuliah Dakwah Libya, aq gak punya tulisan yang baku tentang itu, Cuma disini tak usahakan ngasih info waklau gak selengkap “kama yanbag”. Ya setidaknya dah mewakili dari segala aspek..OK….? Untuk Kuliah Dakwah. Kuliah ini berada dalam naungan Jam’iyah Dakwah Islamiyah Alamiyah, ya sebenarnya ini milik Muammar Qodafi, dan sekarang yang megang adalah DR. Muhammad Syarif. Jam’iyah ini didirikan pada tahun 1972, setelah terjadinya revolusi Libya di bawah pimpinan Muaamar Qadafi. Ya kalau bisa diistilahkan , pendirian Jam’iyah ini merupakan bagian politik luar negerinya Pak Qodafi. Jami’yah ini banyak menghendel politik luar negeri Libya, khususnya dalam bidang pendidikan, sosial dan dakwal Islam. 2 tahun setelah terbentuknya Jam’iyah Dakwah, berdirilah sebuah akademik pendidikan yang dinamakan Kuliah Dakwah Silamiyah dan tetep eksis sampai sekarang. Mahasiswa di kampus ini tidak seperti kampus-kampus yang lain yang berbeasiswa. Semua mahasiswa disini adalah mahasiswa mancanegara. Bahkan penduduk Libya asli tidak diperkenalkan untuk kuliah di Kampus ini. Tercatat bahwa mahasiswa yang ada saat ini berasal dari 80 negara. Sebelumnya mahasiswa dari Afrika lebih doominan, namun sekarang sudah sedikit berimbang dengan mahasiswa asal Asia. Ya mungkin sebeb peregrutan mahasiswa afrika mungkin karena Libya sendiri terletak di benua afrika, dan juga karena politik Luar negeri Libya dengan Afrika, terutama ketika terjadi Embargo yang kebanyakan mendapat bantuan dari negara-negara afrika. Kuliah Dakwah kalau menurut saya merupakan salah satu kampus yang menyediakan beasiswa total bagi mahasiswany, itu bisa dilihat dari penerimaan dan peregrutan mahasiswa. Semua mahasiswa yang datang kesini, biaya perjalanan (tiket + Visa) semua ditanggung pihak kampus. Contoh kecilnya adalah saya. Biaya pemberangkatan ditanggung begitu juga Visa, Cuma waktu itu di Jakarta kita sempet diminta uang sebesar 150 untuk Visa. Tapi itu saya kira tidak seberapa. Fasilitas lainnya adalah semua mahasiswa ditempatkan di asrama, tidak boleh tinggal di luar. Tinggal di apartemen kampus sekamar 3 orang. Tidak boleh campur dengan sesama negara. Begitu juga dengan masalah makanan sudah ditanggung setiap hari, Pagi sarapan roti + susu + the + kopi. Ada kantin khusus (mahasiswa sini menyebutnya Math’am), tapi tidak boleh rokoan di dalam math’am.rokoannya diluar sehabis makan. Untuk siang ahrinya baru disediakan nasi dengan lauk ayam/daging kambing/sapi/unta plus buah-buahan. Malam harinya sehabis magrib untuk makan malamnya adalah makanan khas Libya, mulai dari surbah, makrunah dan lain-lainnya. Cuma kalau malam rabu, disediakan nasi dan daging juga. Untuk urusan kitab muqarrar.semua dah ditanggung pihak kampus, setiap mahasiswa baru setelah melaksanakan uajian qobul, dan hasilnya dah diketahui, pihak kampus langsung membagiakan buku-buku muqarrar sesuai dengan tingkatannya, jadi untuk urusan buku muqarrar tidak perlu beli. Pihak kampus punya percetakan sendiri untuk buku muqarrar dan dibagikan secar gratis. Cuma kalupengen nambah koleksi buku bacaan yang tidak termasuk muqarrar itu yang harus beli sendiri. Di samping itu, setiap bulan para mahasiswa mendapatkan uang saku yang berbeda-beda seusai dengan tingkatan. Untuk tingkatan ma’had (persiapan bahasa) mendapatkan 20 dinar, mahasiswa S1 mendapat 30 dinar dan mahasiswa S2 menddapat 50 dinar. Ya kalau dirupihakan dijumlah sendiri berapa dengan krus setiap dinarnya 7.500. cukup? Ya tergantung personnya. Kalau kayak saya yang perokok berat dan suka jalan, itu gak cukup, ntar hutang dan dibayar setelah dapat “gaji” lagi. Kayak di pondok gitu, tapi untuk mahasiswa yang gak perokok dan gak suka jalan uang segitu sangat cukup sekali. Makan udah ditnggung, Cuma mungkin pengeluaran rutin tiap bulan adalah untuk membeli sabun dan “ma yataallaq bihi”. Ya uang saku itu sebenarnya kan untuk biaya membeli itu-itu. Namun untuk masalah uang bulanan ini ada pemotongan, setiap kali mendapat uang bulanan, dipotong setengah dinar oleh pihak kampus. Jadi nerima bersih 29,5 dinar. Disamping itu setiap bulan bayar uang organisasi KKMI (kesatuan keluarga mahasiswa Indonesi) sebesar 1 dinar. Dan yang ikut NU disini kayak saya, juga bayar ke organisasi NU sebesar setengah dinar. Tapi itu semua bisa dibayar diakhir dan bisa ditunggak kecuali yanguntuk kuliah. Jadi nerima bersih Cuma 29,5.dinar. di samping itu, bagi mahasiswa yang sering absen dalam kuliah dan sering bolos, ada sanksi khusus dari pihak kampus dengan dipotong uang bulanan. Biasanya sesuai dengan pelanggaran. Ada yang dipotong selama 1 buulan (tidak nerima uang selama sebulan) bahkan ada yang sampai dipotong selama 3 bulan. Kampus ini fasilitas sangat lengkap. Kalau kita memasuki kampus, dari jalan raya harus melalui pintu gerbang utama, setelah itu berdiri 4 bangunan besar kantor utama Jam’iyah. Setelah itu Masjid kampus lalu pintu gerbang kampus. Trus Perpustakaan yang berhadapan dengan kantor roktorat kampus. Baru lokal kampus dan dibelakangnya lapangan olahraga, mulai lapangan sepak bola, basket dan volly. Di samping kampus terdapat Math’am terus berurutan disampingnya Bank Kampus, swalayan Kampus dan rumah sakit (poliklinik). Baru setelah itu masuk gerbang asrama. Asrama kampus ada dua bagian. Ada istilah Al-Qism ad-Dakhly (aq tinggal di Al-Qism Ad-Dakhly), dan juga ada istilah Al-Qism Al-Khorijy. Mahasiswa baru setelah periodeku semua ditempatkan di Al-Qism Al-Khorijy, yang bangunannya baru dan lebih rapi dan asri. Yang di Al-Qism ad_dakhli Apartemennya 4 tingkat dengan setiap tingkat ada 2 flat dan 1 flatnya terdapat 4 kamar, satu dapur dan 1 kamar mandi besar dan 1 kamar mandi kecil. Dapurnya dilengkapi dengan kulkas. Setiap mahasiswa dalam kamar mendapat fasilitas ranjang satu dengan kasur dan lemari. Adapun untuk Al-Qism Al-Khorijy. Apartement nya sama 4 tingkat tp bengunan memanjang dan lebih bagus dari Al-Qism Ad-Dakhly. Lebih bersih dan lebih rapi tata letaknya. Untuk penerimaan mahasiswa, pihak jam’iyah menjalin hubungan dengan berbagai negara dan juga ada yang langsung berhubungan dengan ormas-ormas setiapp negara dengan melakukan MOU penerimaan mahasiswa. Untuk Indonesia, yang resmi memliki kerjasama dalam bidang pendidikan adalah Muhammadiyah, NU, Persis. Dan untuk sementara perwakilan pihak jam’iyah di Indonesia dipegang oleh orang muhammadiyah (Muhyiddin Junaidy, Alumni Kuliah Dakwah Angkatan pertama). Jadi untuk sementara pengiriman mahasiswa masih didominasi oleh orang-orang muhammadiyah. Sebenarnya pembagian jatah itu sama antara NU dan MD, Cuma karena yg memegang perwakilan adalah orang muhammadiyah ada sebuah ketidak adilan dalam pembagian jatah. Gak imbang, pada tahun 2005, mahasiswa baru dari indo sebanyak 40, NU Cuma dapat jatah 5 orang, tahun 2006 ada 35 Mahasiswa dan Nu Cuma dapat 4 lagi. Tapi ada aja anak-anak Nu yang nyusup lewat Muhammadiyah, sehingak NU disini setoiap tahun dapat tambahan anggota dari susupan itu di samping yang resmi utusan PBNU. Cuma waktu pengiriman periode saya, Nu lebih dominan, anak NU 7 orang dan muhammadiyah 5 orang. Walaupun begitu orang-orang yang masuk lewat muhammadiyah itu gak murni muhammadiyah, ada yg dari NU ada yang dari Persis, Wasliyah dan ada yan “baina-baina”. Biasanya, untuk penerimaan mahasiswa baru, ada sebuah seleksi dan tes di setiap tempat pendaftaran. Ya di NU ada dan juga yang daftar lewat muhammadiyah. Dari calon mahasiswa yang masuk ke perwakilan Jam’iyah di indo kemudian dikirimkan ke pihak kampus sini, jadi yang menentukan lulus dan diterimanya adalah pihak kampus Libya. Tp kadang ada aja permainan di jakarta dari pihak perwakilan..ya biasa politik …termasuk ntar permintaan uang dari setiap calon yang lulus sebesar 1 juta sepertiyang terjadi pada periode kemaren. Kalau yang lewat Nu, itu biasanya Nu nyetorin berkas ke perwakilan itu dan nunggu panggilan dari situ. Ya kadang dipermainkan dan kadang lancar-lancar. Tapi sekarang dah ada lembaga resmi persahabatn INDO-Libya, mungkin lebih terorganisir dan semoga tidak ada permainan lagi. Ya Nu biasanya juga ngadain test juga tapi itu sekedar formalitas. Kalau ditawarin langsung dari Pak said, itu lebih gampang ..pasti masuknya. Sesampai di Libya, para mahasiswa baru harus menjalanin test ujian qobul untuk penentuan tingkatan. Kalau lulus di test, bisa langsung masuk S1, kalau gak lulus test ya harus singgah terlebih dahulu di ma’had ta’hily (persiapan bahasa). Ma’had ada 2 tahun. Ma’had awal dan ma’had tsany. Itu semua tergantung kemampuan di bahasa. Kebanyakn mahasiswa Indo yang singgah dulu ke ma’had.mayoritas ke ma’had II, walaupun ada beberapa orang yang masuk ke ma’had I. Untuk materi di Ma’had lebih dominan untuk penguatan kemampuan bebahasa, disamping fiqh juga di pelajarin. Adapun untuk S1, ada 4 tingkatan, kalau disini diistilahkan “sanah ula, tsaniyah dan seterusnya. Untuk tahun pertama dan kedua, pelajaran masih umum, tidak ada pentakhossusan. Baru tahun 3 ada pentakhossusan. Di kampus ini ada 4 jurusan, Syariah (al-qur’an wa Ulumuhu), anas masuk ke jurusan itu, dakwah wa hadloroh, Lughah wa adabuha, aq masuk jurusan ini dan jurusan ekonomi islam dan komputer. Jurusan yang ekonomi dan komputer ini baru dibuka, tapi sepanjang sejarah mahasiswa indonesia gak ada yang ngambil jurusan ini, kebanyakan anak indonesia ngambil jurusan dakwan dan syariah.sedangkan di bahasa Cuma sedikit, saya dan temen dari jakarta. Untuk materi ujian qobul, sebenranya gak sulit-sulit amat, ada dua materi, yaitu ujian lisan dan ujian tulis. Untuk ujian lisan biasanya adalah muhadatsah bahasa arab, dan kadang disuruh baca al-qur’an dan ditanyain makna kaliah atau pengertian yang dibaca menurut bahasa setiap mahasiswa. Kadang masalah fiqh. Dan untuk ujian tulisnya, biasanya pembimbing membacakan sebuah kalam natsar dan mahasiswa nulis. Lha yang disini yang banyak gagal, sebab libya itu memang terkenal dengan bahasanya plus qawaid imlaiyahnya mulai dari peletakan titik, koma dan lain-lain. Itu kelemahan kita, temen2 yang daripesantren salaf itu banyak yang kebingungan, karena selama ini kalau nulis arab yang penting adalah maqru’ bisa dibaca, tanpa memperhatikan tata letak koma titik, dan juga masalah penulisan tanda hamzah qotho’ dan washol, ya libya memang gitu. Lebih perhatian ke qawaid imlaiyah dan ke bahasa dibandingkan mesir dan lainnya. Tapi biasanya dari KKMI juga memberikan bimbingan sebellum ujian qobul dilaksanakan. Juga dari temen2 Nu ada sedikit bimbingan bagi mahasiswa NU baru. Dan kadang ditanyain hapal surat apa?berapa juz, jadi dipersipkan aja satu juz.setidaknya juz 30 gitu.Jadi untuk ujiann qobul, gak ada aturan baku mengenai itu, gak bisa ditentukan apa aja yang ditanyakan. Cuma melihat pada pengalaman di tahun2 sebelumnya Untuk pelajaran di tahun satu sangat lumayan banyak, ada 15 mata kuliah : 1. Fiqh, pakai fiqh ibadat karya wahbah zuhaily (perbandingan ma’had) 2. Aqidah, pakai punyanya sayyid sabiq (al-aqoid al-islamiyah) 3. Tafsir pakai punyanya ali Shobuny dan baidhowi 4. Nahwunya pakai ibnu aqil 5. Shorof 6. Balaghah ma’any 7. Sastra jahiliyah 8. Geography islamy 9. Psikologi umum (ilmu Nasf Am) 10. Ulumul qur’an 11. Ulumus sunnah 12. Tadribat lughowiyah 13. Sirah Nabawiyah 14. Bahasa asing (disuruh pilih antara Inggris dan prancis) 15. Al-Qur’an (setiap tahun dibebankan untuk hapal 1 juz. Thn 1 juz 30) Untuk ujian, setahun 2 kali, pertengan tahun biasanya di bulan januari dan akhir tahun di bulan mei/juni. Untuk tahun 2, nahwu meneruskan dari tahun satu, begitu juga tafsir, I’lam islamy (inormatika Islam), adab awal islam, tarikh umawy, dan lain. Ada 16 pelajaran. Dan untuk tahun 3 dan 4, semua pelajaran dah masuk penjurusan sesuai jurusan masing. Untuk jadwal kuliah, dimulai jam 08.30 sampai 14,30. hari libur 2 hari yaitu jum’ah dan sabtu. Santai kan..?kuliah sampai jam 14.30 habis itu makan dan sholat trus istirahat tidur sampai asar, setelah asar yang suka olahraga ya olahraga, yang mau ke perpus silahkan ke perpus dan yang mau santai-santai silahkan santai-santai atau jalan2 ke kota. Setelah magrib biasanya digunakan untuk belajar dan ada juga yang digunakan untuk masak-masak. Intinya, untuk masalah waktu itu kembali ke personya dalam mengatur waktu. Sebenarnya waktu banyak kosong setelah kuliah, tinggal kitanya aja harus pinter2 ngatur waktu. Perkuliahan disini biasanya dimulai pada tanggal 15 Oktober. Namun tahun kemaren sempat berubah karena terbentur dengan bulan puasa dan baru dimulia setalh hari raya idul adha. Dan perkuliahan selesai pada bulan juni akhir dan itu plus ujiannnya. Setelah itu libur selama 3 bulan. Biasanya dalam masa liburan ini, pihka kampus mengadakan kegiatan kursus bahasa inggris dan prncis selama sebulan kemudian para mahasiswa dikasih pekerjaan di lingkungan kampus, mulai dari bersih-bersih, menata buku di perpus dan lain-lain. Setiap hari dibayar sebesar 5 dinar. Kalikan aja kalau kerja selama 1 bulan, 5x30 = 150 dinar. Sekitar sejuta lebih. Lumayan buat tambahan kocek. Oh ya…setiap mahasiswa baru yang datang, paspor langsung diambil dan disimpan oleh bagian hunas kampus. Dan mahasiswa dipegangin dengan kartu mahasiswa. Jadi kemana-mana kita hanya megang kartu mahasiswa dan itu dah dijamin keamanannya. Maklum semua org libya tahu kalau kuliah dakwah adalah milik pemerintah/muammar qodafi. Jadi gak ada razia bagi mahasiswa kuliah dakwah. Dan Pada permulaan datang, mahasiswa diberi uang kaget sebesar 15 dinar. Unttuk seetiap 2 tahun sekali, tepatnya bagi mahasiswa yang di tahun 2 kuliah, mereka dikasih tiket Cuma-Cuma ke negara masing-masing dengan syarat lulus di semua mata kuliah yang diujikan. Ya kayak saya kemaren pulang itu. Dan disamping itu mahasiswa yang lulus dikasih 100 dollar untuk onkos pulang dari ibukota ke daerah masing. Tapi itu semua dengan syarat lulus dalam semua materi yang diujiakn. 15 mata kuliah. Gagal satu tiket hilang dan hangus. Jadi untuk masalah beasiswa, libya termasuk negara yang memberi beasiswa total bagi mahasiswa, coba dibandingkan dengan mesir. Gak tahu kalau madinah..mungkin lebih besar. Dan juga Libya lebih baik dalam penguasaan bahasa. Sebab mhasiswa dsini adalah orang asing semua, tidak campur dengan penduduk asli libya ang menggunakan bahasa amiyah. Jadi kemampuan mahasiswa bebahasa fusha masih dapat dipertahankan.kita ditempatkan di asrama yang semuanya orang asing, setiap kamar 3 org dan lain negara. Jadi setiap saat selalu berbaha fusha kecuali kl ketemu temen2 Indo aja…jadi untuk bahasa lebih bagus si dalam menggunakan fusha. Jumlah mahasiswa indo nya aja gak terlalu banyak gak seperti di mesir yang mencapai ribuan. Disini Cuma 98 orang.jadi bahasa fusha masih terjamin. Begitu juga dengan para dosen-dosennya. Semua asli libya dan dalam kelas semua menggunakan fusha. Juga ada dosen tamu kadang setiap minngu dan kadang setiap bulan juga ada..muhadoroh ammah. Untuk masalah sosial budaya Libya. Disini madzhab resminya adalah Maliky. Sebenarnya gak banyak beda dengan budaya indonesia apalagi dengan NU. Kita kayak di Indonesia aja. Tahlilan juga ada, khotmil qur’an. Peringatan maulid nabi, isra’ dan lain sebagainya. Adzan jum’ah juga 2 kali. Itu untuk penduduk Libya. Sedangkan untuk kalangan mahasiswa di kampus. Kalau berbicara madzhab. Sudah gado-gado dan macem2. ada yang syafi’I, maliky, hanafi, hanbali, yang baina-baina. Pokoknya semua lengkap, Cuma syi’ah gak ada. “ahlussunah wal jamaah” mungkin begitu kira-kira. Tp untuk kegiatan-kegiatan kayak peringatan maulid dan peringatan laiinya. Pihak kampus tetep mengadakan peringatan, Cuma mahasiswa gak diwajibakan mengikuti, yang sepaham ya monggo ngikuti dan yang gak sepaham silahkan gak ikut. Jadi di kampus gak ada pendoktrinan sama sekali..baik dalam urusan politik duniawi atau urusan agama..”likullin wijhatun huwa muwalliha”. Gak ada keributan gara-gara ma’had…aman tentram sejahtera dan dapat menghargai perbedaan madzahib. Saya kira ini cukup dulu sebagai prolog. Nanti disambung lagi. Kalau mengenai kehidupan libya dari asperk budaya sosialnya yang lebih lengkap, bisa dicari sendiri di web-web internet. Dan itu bisa sambil jalan. Dalam waktu deket insyaallah di web : www.nulibya.wordpress.com akan ditampilkan juga artikel about Libya yang sekarang dalam tahap pengeditan. Kunjungi aja web itu. Sebenarnya kalau mau ngelacak di majalah AULA PWNU jatim, masalah budaya sosial libya plus selayang pandang kuliah dan jam’iyah dakwah disitu sering dimut. Coba aja dicek. Maaf aq lupa terbita bulan apa..pokoknya semenjak tahun 2004 akhir sampai sekarang, tulisan2 temen2 NU mengenai tradisi-tradisi Libya dan lainnya sering dimuat di majalah itu… Ok..kurang lebihnya mohon maaf.. Wassalam… Tripoli, 18 Juni 2007

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Sampoerna Foundation National Graduate in Management Scholarship Program

What is Sampoerna Foundation National Graduate in Management Scholarship Program?

The Sampoerna Foundation National Graduate in Management Scholarship Program is a mean to groom Indonesia’s future business leaders. Sampoerna Foundation provides full scholarships to a maximum of 10 (ten) outstanding young Indonesians who demonstrate excellent academic, professional, personal and leadership qualities to pursue Magister Management or Master of Business Administration degree at leading business schools in Indonesia as recommended by Sampoerna Foundation.

What are the requirements?

A. Basic Requirements

Applicant must satisfy ALL of the following conditions:
Indonesian citizen
Under 30 year old when lodging the application
Hold a Bachelor degree in any discipline from an Indonesian tertiary institution with a minimum Grade Point Average (GPA) of 3.00 (on a 4.00 scale)
Have a minimum of two-year full-time professional work experience after the completion of their undergraduate degree when lodging the application.
Have valid proof (validity of two years) of an Institutional TOEFL with a minimum score of 550 (paper based) or 213 (computer based)*
Have valid proof (validity of two years) of an Academic Potential Test (TPA) with a minimum score of 550**
Not currently enrolled in graduate or post-graduate program or school, or has already obtained a Master’s degree or equivalent.
Not enrolled or graduated from an overseas tertiary institution unless was on a full scholarship.
Not in receipt of another equivalent award or scholarship offering similar or other benefits at the time of the award.
Demonstrate they are from financially disadvantaged family and that without the scholarship he/she will not be able to study for a graduate degree.

B. Further Requirements
Demonstrate leadership potential.
Demonstrate interest in and commitment to community and national development.
Attend all stages of selection process conducted by Sampoerna Foundation and the examinations conducted by the recommended university(ies).
Comply with the application for scholarship rules and regulations as stipulated by Sampoerna Foundation, partner institution for each respective program, and the university.
What is covered?

This full-time scholarship is worth approximately between IDR 70.000.000 – IDR 110.000.000 per student, depending on the university, for the duration of study and covers:
University application fee reimbursement;
TOEFL & TPA reimbursement;
Tuition fees;
Living allowance;
Book and internet allowance;
Research/thesis allowance;
Graduation fee.
When to apply?

Stage Timeline
Application Deadline June 30th, 2007
Paper Selection and Announcement of Results 3rd week of August
Panel Interview, Group Discussion, Outbound and Home Visit 1st week of September
Final Review and Finalists` Announcement 3rd week of September
University admission December – January 2008
MM Program starts February 2008
Winners’ Announcement and Orientation May 2008
Program Orientation
May 2008

List of Universities
Bandung Institute of Technology, Bandung
MBA Program, School of Business and Management
Jl. Gelap Nyawang No. 1, Bandung 40132
Tel. 022- 2504308 / 2534255
Fax. 022- 2504897

Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta
Magister Management Program
Jl. Teknika Utara, Yogyakarta 55281
Tel. 0274-511035-6, 515536, 562222
Fax. 0274-564388

Indonesian Institute for Management Development, Jakarta
Magister Management Program
IPMI Building
Jl. Rawajati Timur I/1, Kalibata, Jakarta 12750
Tel. 021-7970419
Fax. 021-7970374

Prasetiya Mulya Business School, Jakarta
Magister Manajement Program
Jl. R.A. Kartini, Cilandak Barat, Jakarta 12430
Tel. 021-7511126, 7500463, 7657257
Fax. 021-7511143

Padjadjaran University, Bandung
Magister Manajement Program
Jl. Dipati Ukur 35, Bandung 40132
Tel. 022-2509585, 2513168, 2534389
Fax. 022-2509586

University of Indonesia, Jakarta
Magister Manajement Program
Jl. Salemba Raya 4, Jakarta 10430
Tel. 021-3103976-8, 3106990
Fax. 021-3923954

Prospective applicants are advised to contact the universities directly to find out about the admission process and requirements for an enrolment.

How to apply?

Before applying, the applicants must read and understand the terms and conditions of the scholarship, including SF policy about Alumni Contribution Scheme. For further explanation, please visit our website at www.sampoernafoundation.org or call us at 021 577 2340

Application/reference forms, requirements, terms and conditions, and instructions can be read and downloaded from www.sampoernafoundation.org or obtained directly from Sampoerna Foundation office:

Sampoerna Strategic Square
Tower B, 3rd Floor
Jl. Jenderal Sudirman Kavling 45
Jakarta 12930

Further information on:
The Indonesian International Education Foundation (IIEF)
Menara Imperium 28th floor, Suite B
Metropolitan Kuningan Superblok Kav. 1
Jl. HR. Rasuna Said, Jakarta 12980, Indonesia
Tel. 021-8317330, Fax. 021-8317331
E-mail: iief@indo.net.id

Jl. Taman Suropati 2, Jakarta, Indonesia
Tel. 021- 390-5650
Website: http://pusbindiklatren.bappenas.go.id

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(Saudi Arabia)Post Graduate And Doctoral Scholarship From King Fahd University Of Petroleum And Minerals

King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals ( KFUPM) build in the year 1963 locations in Dhahran, Arab Saudi and just for men student. KFUPM now has program S2/S3 consisted of program Doktoral ( PhD.), program Master of Science ( MS.) and some other pascasarjana programs ( MBA, MACC., and MEng.).

Language of instruction applied is English and student is not claimed to have Arab linguistic competence. Academic person civity comes from various states and many activities like seminar, workshop or short course is carried out with matter giver from having immeasurable institution.

One of receiving line of student in KFUPM is passing

* Assistantship
* Lectureship, when applied,
* we also can apply for to become Research Assistant/RA ( to apply for S2) or Lecturer-B ( to apply for S3).

Program list S2/S3 in visible KFUPM in this document enclosure; description of visible program in KFUPM Graduate Bulletin available in:


Acceptance of new student done to be biannual namely at Spring Semester (February) and Fall Semester (September). Bundle lamaran can be sent during the year but minimum is sent one semesters before semester wanted.

Position Of RA or Lecturer-B is including university staff and obtains some facilities, among others:

* first departure ticket and last the going home
* free cost of study and text book
* monthly salary (SR 1.000 for RA; SR 2.500 for Lecturer-B)
* paid leave during 30 days per year
* tempat tinggal di asrama (satu kamar berdua)
Lecturer-B dapat memperoleh tunjangan rumah SR 8.000 per tahun jika telah membawa keluarga dan tinggal di luar kampus
* layanan medis gratis di Medical Centre kampus dan subsidi 50% untuk obat-obatan
* subsidi di student restaurant

RA/Lecturer- B juga dapat ikut serta dalam funded project dan memperoleh tambahan sekitar SR 500 per bulan. Untuk funded project yang berasal dari Research Institute KFUPM atau instansi di luar KFUPM bisa mencapai sekitar SR 1.000 per bulan. Sebagai bagian dari keikutsertaan dalam funded project, RA/Lecturer- B juga berkesempatan untuk publikasi di jurnal atau seminar baik regional atau pun internasional. Di antara institusi yang memiliki kerja sama penelitian dengan KFUPM adalah Saudi Aramco (perusahaan minyak terbesar dunia), SABIC (perusahaan publik terbesar di Arab Saudi), Saudi Telecom Company, dan King Abdul Aziz City for Science and Technology.

RA/Lecturer- B memiliki kewajiban untuk membantu operasional departemen atau universitas. Beberapa contoh penugasan yang lazim diberikan adalah mengajar praktikum atau kelas S1, mengawasi ujian, tugas administrasi dan semacamnya. Jadi ada semacam kontrak kerja antara mahasiswa dan KFUPM; kontrak ini perlu ditanda tangani sebelum berangkat. Hampir semua mahasiswa S2/S3 (non-part time) dari luar Arab Saudi memiliki status ini.

Informasi mengenai syarat-syarat pendaftaran dan lainnya dapat dilihat di:


Secara umum syarat-syaratnya adalah:

* memenuhi persyaratan Deanship of Graduate Studies (lihat http://www.kfupm.edu.sa/gs/admissions.htm) yakni:
o telah lulus S1 (program 4 tahun) untuk S2 atau telah lulus S2 untuk S3
o IPK >= 3.0 (kecuali untuk MBA >= 2.50) untuk S2 atau >= 3.20 untuk S3
o Nilai GRE yang memadai (GRE subject mungkin juga diminta untuk beberapa program)
o International TOEFL
- 190 CBT (520 PBT) untuk S2
- 210 CBT (550 PBT) untuk S3
- 4.0 untuk komponen writing (atau TWE)
o Surat rekomendasi dari tiga dosen (format ada dalam formulir lamaran)
* Daftar berkas yang dibutuhkan dapat dilihat di http://www.kfupm.edu.sa/gs/checklist.htm
* Formulir lamaran dapat didownload dari
(dalam lamaran juga tandai melamar sebagai Research Assistant atau Lecturer)

International TOEFL dan GRE dapat ditunda jika prestasi akademik istimewa.

Sebaiknya komunikasikan niat untuk melamar ke departemen yang bersangkutan. Komunikasi tersebut bukanlah bagian yang harus dilakukan dalam prosedur pelamaran jika berkas lamaran lengkap namun penting agar pemrosesan lamaran tidak tertunda di Deanship of Graduate Studies karena kurangnya berkas TOEFL dan/atau GRE. Departemen dapat memiliki kebijakan yang berbeda-beda dalam masalah ini.

Surat rekomendasi dari dosen diminta untuk dikirim langsung namun boleh digabung dengan pengiriman formulir lamaran dengan cara:

* tiap surat rekomendasi disimpan dalam amplop terpisah dan dilem (1 surat 1 amplop)
* minta dosen yang memberikan rekomendasi untuk membubuhkan tanda tangan di tutup amplop itu sebagai segel lalu minta untuk distempel fakultas di bagian segelnya.

Setelah berkas diterima oleh KFUPM, pelamar akan dikirimi surat keterangan bahwa berkas telah diterima dan jika ada yang kurang akan diingatkan dalam surat itu. Dalam surat itu juga tercantum reference number yang dapat digunakan pada Admission Tracking System:


Informasi yang lebih detail dapat diperoleh melalui departemen program masing-masing. Juga silakan menghubungi penulis terutama untuk M.S. program in Computer Science.

Lampiran. Daftar program S2/S3 di KFUPM*


1. Computer Engineering

* M.S. Program in Computer Engineering

2. Information & Computer Science

* M.S. Program in Computer Science
* M.S. Program in Computer Networks (joint program of COE and ICS)
* Ph.D. Program in Computer Science and Engineering (joint program of COE and ICS)

3. Systems Engineering

* M.S. Program in Systems Engineering
* Ph.D. Program in Systems Engineering


1. Chemical Engineering

* M.S. Program in Chemical Engineering
* Ph.D. Program in Chemical Engineering

2. Civil Engineering

* M.S. Program in Civil Engineering
* Ph.D. Program in Civil Engineering

3. Electrical Engineering

* M.S. Program in Electrical Engineering
* M.S. Program in Telecommunication Engineering
* Ph.D. Program in Electrical Engineering

4. Mechanical Engineering

* M.S. Program in Mechanical Engineering
* Ph.D. Program in Mechanical Engineering

5. Petroleum Engineering

* M.S. Program in Petroleum Engineering
* Ph.D. Program in Petroleum Engineering


1. Architectural Engineering

* M.S. Program in Architectural Engineering
* Master of Engineering Program in Architectural Engineering

2. City & Regional Planning

* Master Degree of City & Regional Planning

3. Construction Engineering & Management

* M.S. Program in Construction Engineering & Management
* Master of Engineering Program in Construction Engineering & Management


* Master of Accountancy Program
* Master of Business Administration


1. Chemistry

* M.S. Program in Chemistry
* Ph.D. Program in Chemistry

2. Earth Sciences

* M.S. Program in Geology
* M.S. Program in Geophysics
* Master of Geology Program (Professional)
* Master of Geophysics Program (Professional)
* Master Program in Environmental Sciences

3. Mathematical Sciences

* M.S. Program in Mathematical Sciences
* Ph.D. Program in Mathematical Sciences

4. Physics

* M.S. Program in Physics
* Master Program in Medical Physics

Ahmad Ridha
Information and Computer Science Department
King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals
KFUPM #8223, Dhahran 31261, Saudi Arabia.
Email: aridha {at} kfupm.edu.sa / ahmad.ridha {at} gmail.com
Penulis merupakan dosen Departemen Ilmu Komputer IPB yang sedang menempuh S2 di King Fahd university. Infobeasiswa

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ASEAN: Beasiswa Riset Islam untuk Sarjana Muslim

Southeast Asia Research Fellowship Programme for Young Muslim Scholars
The Asian Muslim Action Network (AMAN) is pleased to announce the sixth round of the research fellowship program, Islam in Southeast Asia: View from within.

The fellowship grants will be awarded for innovative research on issues concerning economic, socio-political and cultural changes taking place in the diverse Muslim communities of Southeast Asia, especially as they relate to modernization and globalization.


Popular Islam

"Popular Islam" focuses on encouraging researchers to examine ways in which Islamic beliefs and practices reach all believers and are reflected through various means of religious. communication such as studying Khutbah in local mosques, reading Islamic booklets, and/ or listening to Muslim radio programs. The question of how Islam can shape and influence, while at the same time is being shaped by, the lives of ordinary Southeast Asian Muslims in various local contexts is just one aspect of this topic that could be analyzed.

Globalization and Identity Politics

Muslim communities in Southeast Asia are not immune from globalization processes. New forms of economic and political integration on a world scale and the accelerated flows of goods, people and information across the globe all create new opportunities and challenges for Muslims in the region. The interaction of global and regional forces with local processes has been perceived both as a threat to Muslim identities and as beneficial to the development of a new transnational Islam. This research theme seeks to explore how Muslim identities in Southeast Asia are formed and shaped by regional and globalizing forces.

Islam and Changing Gender Realities

Rapidly evolving social, cultural and economic processes are leading to unprecedented changes in the societal roles of men and women. Muslim communities in Southeast Asia are being confronted with a diversity of values and lifestyles expressing multiple definitions of gender roles and relationships not always in line with dominant values. This research area encourages researchers to examine how gender roles in both the public and private sphere are changing for Muslims in Southeast Asia and relate those changes to current theological and political debates.

Islam Values, Economic Activities and Social Responsibilities

Studies in this area should examine how Islamic values and institutions can provide alternative economic options to those perceived as condradictory to Qur`anic principles such as riba. Area of focus could include identifying how Islamic economic values work in a modern business environment, analysis of indigenous entrepreneurial models that have been or can be utilized for local level empowerment and/ or studies of the lives of entrepreneurs and the ways Islamic values shape and are re-shaped by their economic activities and social responsibilities.


Candidates must be nationals of Southeast Asian countries, hold at least a Bachelor degree and should not be over 40 years of age.
Candidates may work in different sectors including academia, media, and non-governmental organizations. Candidate must be highly motivated to deepen their understanding of Islam in the region.
Women are strongly encouraged to apply.

Fellowship Value

The fellowship consists of an average research grant of $5,000 to cover all research costs for a maximum period of six months in the original country of resercher, and funded participation in mentoring workshops.
The Secretariat will arrange for editing, publication and distribution of the report in a "work in progress" series.

Application Procedure

To apply for this fellowship program, candidates need to submit a complete research proposal. Proposed research projects should include sufficient details so that it can be judged for its merit and feasibility.
The candidates can download the application form from our website as a MS Word document. Applications by e-mail are also accepted.

The closing date for application submission is 30 November 2007.


Final selections will be made by the Advisory board.

Programme Advisory Board

Dr. Carmen Abubakar
Institute of Islamic Studies,
University of the Philippines, Diliman, Q.C.
Metro Manila, Philippines.

Dr. Azyumardi Azra
Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN), Syarif Hidayatullah
Jakarta, Indonesia.

Dr. Suzaina Kadir
Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, National University of Singapore,

M. Abdus Sabur
Asian Muslim Action Network &
Asian Resource Foundation, Bangkok, Thailand

Dr. Chaiwat Satha-Anand
Faculty of Political Science,
Thammasat University, Bangkok, Thailand

Dr. Alan Feinstein
The Rockefeller Foundation, Bangkok, Thailand

Dr. Shamsul A.B.
Institute of Malay World and Civilization (ATMA) Universiti Kebangsaan, Malaysia

Program Management

The fellowship program is managed by the AMAN secretariat, which is housed at the Asian Resource Foundation (ARF) in Bangkok, Thailand.
AMAN was established in 1990 with the goal of building understanding and solidarity among Muslims and with other faith communities in Asia towards people`s empowerment, human rights, justice and peace. AMAN`s Council consists of eleven members representing various Asian countries, with Dr. Asghar Ali Engineer of the center for study of society and secularism, India as chairman.
Financial support to the fellowship program is provided by the Rockefeller Foundation, Southeast Asia Regional Office Bangkok, Thailand.


Dwi Rubiyanti Kholifah - Program Coordinator
Contact Address
Islam in Southeast Asia: A View from Within
Research Fellowship Programme
House 1562/113, Soi 1/1
Mooban Pibul, Pracharaj Road,
Bangkok 10800, Thailand
Tel: 66-2-9130196,
Fax: 66-2-9130197
E-mail: aman@arf-asia.org

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Inggris: Beasiswa Pascasarjana Islamic and Arabic Studies

UK Scholarship Opportunities for Postgraduate from Al-Maktoum Foundation For Arabic and Islamic Studies

Open Scholarships Competition for Postgraduate Students

Do you have an honours degree in a humanities or social sciences subject area?
Would you like to take up a unique opportunity to study at postgraduate level in an area of humanities with crucial relevance to today`s world?
Would you like to be part of the new agenda for the Study of Islam and Muslims?
Would you like to be part of the next generation of scholars setting this agenda to face the challenges and opportunities of a diverse and multicultural world in the twenty-first century?

Would you like to be part of a multicultural team working to build bridges between nations, people and religions?
If so, then Al-Maktoum Foundation offers an open scholarships competition for postgraduate students to study at Al-Maktoum Institute, Dundee (University of Aberdeen) in the following one year postgraduate programmes:

MLitt in Islamic Studies
MLitt in Islamicjerusalem Studies
MLitt in Multiculturalism*
MLitt in Muslims, Globalisation and the West*
MLitt in Islamic Education*

(* subject to validation)

Scholarships are awarded on a competitive basis to outstanding candidates on the basis of academic distinction.

Deadline for applications 14 May 2007

Further details are available from: www.almaktoumfoundation.com or:
The Secretary, Scholarships Committee, Al-Maktoum Foundation, 124 Blackness Road, Dundee DD1 5PE, Scotland, United Kingdom
Tel: 01382 908074 Fax: 01382 908077 email: info@almaktoumfoundation.com

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Prancis: Beasiswa Marie Curie Summer School 2007

France - Marie Curie Summer School 2007 on Knowledge Based Materials, Partial Melts and Amorphous Materials

The deadline for applications for funding for this year’s Summer School is April 30th.

Following on from the successful 2005 Marie Curie Summer School on Single-Phase Materials, held in Hürtgenwald, Germany, and the 2006 school on Polyphase and Composite Materials in Älvdalen, Sweden are pleased to announce this year’s Summer School, which focuses on Partial Melts and Amorphous Materials. This year’s event will be hosted by Dr Mark Jessell from
the Institut de Recherche pour le Développement, and will run from the 20th to the 30th of August, 2007.

The full presentations of the 2005 & 2006 summer schools, together with information on the 2007 event, including a list of speakers and the online application form may be found at:


Details of the eligibility requirements to receive one of the 30 EU fully funded places, and fees for non-eligible participants can be found at the above address. Research scientists not eligible for EU funding are also most welcome to apply on a fee-paying basis and should use the same application form.

Mark Jessell
14 avenue Edouard Belin
Tel: +33 (0)5 61 33 26 47
www.lmtg.obs-mip.fr/user/mjessell (home)
www.tectask.org (IUGS Tectask)
www.materialsknowledge.org (Marie Curie Summer Schools)

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Belanda: Beasiswa Exoplanetary Systems Research

Netherlands (belanda) Exoplanetary Systems Research - Utrecht University

We have received funding for a high-precision imaging polarimeter to study the formation, evolution and structure of extra-solar planetary systems by detecting the polarization of starlight scattered by circumstellar material. The available position will primarily be in the areas of data analysis, interpretation, and modelling. The student will also have the opportunity to contribute to the design, construction, and calibration of the instrument.

The position is available starting from June 1, 2007 as a full-time temporary appointment for four years. Gross salary starts with 1956 euro per month and increases to 2502 euro in the fourth year of employment. The salary is supplemented with a holiday bonus of 8% and a year-end bonus of 3% per year. In addition we offer: a pension scheme, partially paid parental leave, facilities for child care. Conditions are based on the Collective Employment Agreement of the Dutch Universities.

Further information about the position can be obtained from Dr Sandra Jeffers (S.V.Jeffers@astro.uu.nl) or Prof.dr Christoph Keller (C.U.Keller@astro.uu.nl). More information about the department of Physics and Astronomy and the Astronomical Institute can be found at www.phys.uu.nl and www.astro.uu.nl/siu/

Applications, including a research statement, a current CV, a list of publications, and three reference letters should be sent to:

The Personnel Office,
Department of Physics and Astronomy,
P.O. Box 80000, 3508 TA Utrecht,
the Netherlands
or by e-mail to: p&o@phys.uu.nl.
Please mention vacancy number 63706.

Applications and letters of reference are due by 1 May 2007.

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Qatar: 2007 Fellowships to ATTEND Islamic Art Symposium

Qatar: Fellowships Available to ATTEND Islamic Art Symposium at VCU

RICHMOND, Va.— Fellowships for travel and accommodation are available for scholars of Islamic art to attend Rivers of Paradise: Water in Islamic Art and Culture at VCU\’s Qatar campus Nov. 4-6, 2007.

The Qatar Foundation for Education, Science and Community Development and the Virginia Commonwealth University School of Arts are offering 15 Hamad Bin Khalifa travel fellowships.

The Hamad Bin Khalifa Symposium on Islamic Art strives to foster the development of an international community of researchers and scholars in Islamic art and cultures. The fellowship provides financial support for conference attendance and recognition of scholars from diverse geographic and cultural areas, including those from the less developed and less well-funded countries.

Many scholars, who more characteristically conduct research for years with minimal support, are having a hard time believing that these generous fellowships are merely to attend the symposium, and not to present papers, as is usual with travel fellowships.
Thirteen speakers from around the world from a variety of disciplines will explore the theme of water in the Islamic lands from southern Europe to South Asia from the 7th century to the present. Topics range from the supply and distribution of water to its role in religion and popular culture.

Attendance at the Rivers of Paradise: Water in Islamic Art and Culture Symposium in Doha, Qatar is an opportunity for advanced students and other scholars from around the world to meet and interact with one another. The fellowship will also allow students and scholars to visit Doha, one of the fastest-growing Islamic Art centers in the Middle East.
Sheila S. Blair and Jonathan M. Bloom, shared holders of the Hamad bin Khalifa Endowed Chair of Islamic Art at VCU and the Norma Jean Calderwood University Chair of Islamic and Asian Art at Boston College, and curators of the acclaimed current exhibition of Islamic art Cosmophilia, are convening the conference.

Online fellowship applications are due June 1, 2007. Complimentary symposium registration will be available July 2007. For more information contact Diane Tepfer at dtepfer@vcu.edu and click http://www.islamicartdoha.org/

Submited By: Diane Tepfer
Website: http://www.islamicartdoha.org/

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Italy: Master Scholarships 2007 from ENI Corporate University

Italy: Master Scholarships from ENI Corporate University

The Eni Corporate University announces a competition for an academic course that leads to a Master’s Degree in Energy and Environmental Management and Economics - MEDEA. The course is organized and managed by the Scuola Enrico Mattei.

The Master is offered to Italian and foreign university graduates that are interested in career paths within firms, authorities and other institutions operating in the energy and environmental sectors. For the Academic Year 2007-2008, the Scuola Enrico Mattei will assign a maximum of 50 scholarships.

Three programs of the MEDEA are offered:

Energy Industry Economics
Business Administration in Energy Industry
Managing Technical Assets in Energy Industry
The program is articulated on three phases, with an increasing degree of specialisation. All profiles consist of preliminary courses, followed by fundamental courses and by specialisation classes.

The Academic Year runs for ten months, from September 5, 2007 through to June 27, 2008. Full-time attendance is required. Since courses are conducted in Italian and in English, an intensive Italian language course will be held during the summer of 2007. Those who have successfully completed the programme of study will be awarded a Master’s Degree in Energy and Environmental Management and Economics - MEDEA.

Admission is subject to the following requirements:

university degree in Italy, or an equivalent academic qualification abroad, in departments of: Business Administration, Chemistry, Economics, Engineering, Geology, Industrial Chemistry, International Law, Physics and Statistics;
Italian candidates must be under the age of 28 years and non-Italian candidates must be under the age of 32 at the beginning of the Master course;
good knowledge of the English language.
The course, moreover, can be attended also by people autonomously chosen by the Eni Companies.

The deadline for application is March 31, 2007 for foreign citizens and April 30, 2007 for Italian citizens. Italian candidates will attend the final selection in San Donato Milanese (MI); non-Italian candidates in Algeri, Almaty, Ankara, Beijing, Brussels, Budapest, Cairo, Lagos, London, Luanda, Madrid, Monaco, Moscow, New York, Sao Paulo, Tripoli, or in other offices of Eni, depending on their nationality.

Euros 25,000

For successful candidates, the admission to and the enrollment in the School carry no fees. The School offers students a financial contribution for the accommodation and living expenses. Moreover, students are given free training materials and the opportunity to avail themselves of Eni canteen facilities. Finally, scholarships are provided on the basis of examination results.

Applications must be sent online at:

For further information and leaflet please contact the School Secretary at:

Scuola Enrico Mattei - Eni Corporate University
Via S. Salvo, 1
20097 - San Donato Milanese (MI), Italy.

Tel. (0039) 02.520.57922, (0039) 02.520.57907
Fax (0039) 02.520.37067
e-mail: info.scuolamattei@eni.it

Via: Official Announcement

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